Teen Poetry Contest Begins

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Program Description

Event Details

Teens 12-18 can submit original works of poetry by emailing their poem to Melissag@pflugervilletx.gov between Saturday, March 1 and Monday, March 31.


Anyone ages 12-18 with a Pflugerville Public Library card may enter. Limit one entry per contestant; one writer per entry.

Submission Guidelines 

Entries must be the original work of the entrants. Copyrighted material may not be used. Poems previously submitted for Pflugerville Library contests will not be accepted.

Poems submitted must be appropriate for viewing by all ages of the general public. Stories that are of an overtly sexual, racist, violent, libelous, slanderous, demoralizing, or discriminatory nature are strictly prohibited. 

Follow the following guidelines when writing and formatting your poem:

  • Include a title for your poem
  • Font: Arial or Aptos
  • Size: 12pt
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Save as a .doc
  • Proofread and spellcheck! ur amzing pome wont seem so amzng if it loosk like this?

Entries must be submitted electronically.

  • Email entries to melissag@pflugervilletx.gov.
  • The email subject line must say: Teen Poetry Contest
  • The body of the email must include your: full name, age, library card number, phone number, and the title of your work.

Entries may be submitted from March 1st through March 31st, 2025. 


The winning poems will be selected by the Pflugerville Poetry Society 

The winners will be announced April 15th, 2025. 1st place will receive a $50 gift card to Barnes and Noble, 2nd place will receive a $30 gift card to Barnes and Noble, 3rd place will receive a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble courtesy of the Friends of the Pflugerville Library. The winners will also be announced on the Library’s Facebook page and other city media outlets. 

Prizes sponsored by the the Friends of the Public Library.

For the Adult Poetry Contest information, please see the Pflugerville Poetry Society Webpage.


All abilities are welcome at the library. If you or your child need special accommodations in order to participate in this program, please contact us in advance. 

This event is possible thanks to the support of the Friends of the Pflugerville Library.